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Our Vision and Mission

Our Mission

Experience Jesus Empowering Us Making Disciples Engaging our Community

Our Vision

A Lakȟóta Catholic Community prayerfully walking with Jesus through grieving → healing → growing → thriving

Our Focus

From our Lakȟóta lay leadership, parishioners, and Jesuit priests we are present for our community every day, offering support and love and extending the good word of Jesus Christ. And this happens because of the people of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation… the laypeople, Jesuits, and sisters who continue to make the commitment to our ministry.


We are a Lakȟóta Catholic community that is to say we are a Catholic community made up of Lakȟóta people within the Oglala Lakȟóta Nation. Therefore we seek to express Jesus and our being Catholic within our Lakȟóta culture, ways of relating, and language.